VB4AD has a Plan- Now here's my Plan
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The Valerie Bonzer Foundation for the American Dreamer  has a Plan

My Plan


We are just filled with Dreams & Ideas.

      Dreamers . . .

. Phooey !

 Is that not what so many fear?

You express your Dream and someone, maybe most, puts it down with ridicule
- disparages both your idea and you?

 Well, we do not.


Valerie Bonzer Foundation for the American Dreamer  (VB4AD)
believes that Dreams can come true.           
We have seen individuals work their Dreams and make them real in this world. . .
many times.   
Along the way, we will show you some examples.

We will listen
we will make suggestions
we will assist. . .

. . . but it is up to YOU to do it !

   Shel Silverstein

But come to think of it, here is one idea:

Why not Fly ! 

Take a LOOK Next

It ain't easy - but its possible.

Plan -- 10Dec22